are photographed on a copy stand with a base that has a 1 inch
square grid from which you can judge size. |
baltic amber below has inclusions that were identified more than
a decade ago by the late Polish entomologist Dr. Roza Kulicka,
a co-author of the book "Amber- Treasure of the Ancient
Seas", copyright 1983. The small strips of paper that accompanies
the amber were written by her. All these ambers were her research
study specimens. Baltocteniza kulickae, named in her honor, is
the single species of a genus of trapdoor spider in the Ctenizidae
family Ctenizinae that she discovered in baltic amber. Also note
many of these are a deep crimsom color, known as ruby in the
amber trade, and the most desirable. |
and unpolished amber without insect inclusions: